Do Bearded Dragons Brumate With Eyes Open? The Answer May Surprise You

You’ve probably heard of hibernation, the winter sleep that many animals undergo to conserve energy when there’s a lack of food. But have you ever heard of brumation? 

This reptilian version of hibernation often takes bearded dragon owners by surprise. If you’re curious about what’s considered normal behavior during brumation, one burning question might be on your mind: Do bearded dragons keep their eyes open while brumating? 

Let’s explore this fascinating topic.

Can Bearded Dragons Brumate With Their Eyes Open?

Brumation behavior varies widely among bearded dragons. While some of these charismatic reptiles might snooze through the entire brumation period with their eyes shut tight, others may take a more relaxed approach, occasionally peeking out with their eyes open. It’s all part of their unique personality!

Every bearded dragon has its own quirks and preferences when it comes to brumation. Some may enter a deep sleep, while others might opt for a lighter nap, stirring from time to time. Picture your beardie as your chill roommate who’s either snoring away or lounging with one eye lazily cracked open; both are totally normal!

Understanding Brumation

Think of brumation as the reptile version of hibernation, but with a twist!

Unlike mammals, who often go into a deep sleep during hibernation, bearded dragons enter a state of dormancy. This means they’re not entirely out for the count, but they’re definitely conserving energy.

During brumation, your beardie might seem less interested in its usual activities. It might eat less, move less, and spend more time hiding away in its cozy spot. It’s like they’re taking a well-deserved break, catching up on some much-needed rest until the warmer days return.

How Long Does Brumation Last?

What Does Deep Brumation Look Like in a Bearded Dragon?

How long is this nap going to last? Well, the truth is, it varies. 

Brumation is a natural process that can be as short as a few days or as long as several months. Your beardie might pop up for a snack now and then, or they might sleep through the whole winter like a champ.

And don’t be surprised if your dragon decides to brumate during the spring or summer months. While it’s more common to see them dozing off when the weather gets chilly, they might just march to the beat of their own drum and snooze whenever they darn well please!

Why Do Bearded Dragons Brumate?

So, what’s the deal with brumation anyway? It all comes down to survival instincts. 

In the wild, bearded dragons brumate to conserve energy during the colder months when food is scarce. It’s like hitting the pause button until the buffet reopens in the spring.

Even though your beardie enjoys a life of luxury in captivity, they still have those ancient instincts hardwired into their DNA. It’s like they’re channeling their wild ancestors, preparing for the lean times ahead.

Do All Bearded Dragons Brumate?

Not every bearded dragon is keen on the idea of brumation. While some beardies may choose to brumate every year like clockwork, others might decide it’s not their style and skip the snooze altogether.

It’s not just a gender thing either; both female and male bearded dragons can embrace the brumation life. However, if your beardie is still a baby, they might not be ready to join the brumation club quite yet. But don’t worry, they’ll get there in their own time!

Also Read: Why Is Your Bearded Dragon Sleeping in the Corner? (8 Reasons) 

Bearded Dragon

Should I Keep My Bearded Dragon From Brumating?

In most cases, it’s best to let your beardie follow its instincts when it comes to brumation. They’ve been doing this dance for eons, so they know what they’re doing! However, there are a couple of situations where you might want to step in.

If your beardie isn’t in the best of health or if they’re still a tiny tot, it might be wise to consult with a reptile-savvy vet before giving them the green light to brumate. Your vet can offer personalized advice based on your dragon’s unique circumstances.

Signs That My Bearded Dragon Is Getting Ready to Brumate

If your beardie is gearing up for a cozy winter nap, they might start showing some telltale signs. Think daytime naps, loss of appetite, and a preference for hanging out in their hide rather than basking under their heat lamp

It’s like they’re giving you a subtle hint that they’re ready to hit the snooze button.

Caring for a Bearded Dragon During Brumation

While your beardie is catching up on Z’s, it’s important to make sure they’re still getting the care they need. Keep their enclosure cozy and warm, offer fresh water regularly, and provide occasional greens for any wakeful munching sessions.

And don’t forget about those weekly soaks! The brumation process can be dehydrating, so a little soak in warm water can work wonders for keeping your dragon hydrated and happy.

Bearded dragon in warm water

Wrapping Up

Fret not; bearded dragon brumation is completely normal. Whether your dragon prefers to snooze with their eyes wide open or shut tight, it’s all part of what makes them unique. 

So embrace their brumation quirks, provide them with a cozy spot for them to catch some Z’s, and enjoy watching them emerge from their winter slumber in the spring. 

Also Read: Why Is My Bearded Dragon Breathing Heavily? 


  • Teddy Smith

    Teddy is the founder and lead writer of ReptilesLife. Teddy has loved animals since a really young age, starting with dinosaurs of course! He writes here to help other reptile owners to care for their scaly pets.

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