Can Leopard Gecko Eat Wax Worms?

The alluring, wiggly form of a wax worm can be hard to resist, even for a discerning eater like a leopard gecko.

But can leopard geckos eat wax worms, and are they a healthy addition to their diet?

In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional value of wax worms for leopard geckos and discuss how to incorporate them into your gecko’s feeding routine properly.

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Wax Worms? Yes, but Moderation Is Key

Yes, leopard geckos can eat wax worms, but only in moderation. 

Wax worms, along with their adult-form wax moths, are high in fat, so they should be given as a treat for your gecko rather than as a staple part of their diet. It’s similar to us eating candy—it’s okay once in a while, but not all the time because it’s not the healthiest option.

If you feed your leopard gecko too many wax worms, they could get overweight, which isn’t good for their health. So, it’s best to offer wax worms as an occasional snack, maybe once or twice a week at most.

When giving wax worms to your leopard gecko, remember to dust them with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement before feeding. 

This ensures that your gecko gets the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. 

Calcium is crucial for their bone strength, while vitamin D3 helps them absorb the calcium effectively. Just a light dusting before offering the wax worms will help keep your gecko’s diet balanced and their bones strong.

Also, make sure the wax worms are the right size for your gecko. You want to give them something manageable so that they can eat or digest properly. Always keep an eye on your gecko’s weight and adjust their diet accordingly to keep them happy and healthy.

Wax Worms

Reasons Why Wax Worms Aren’t Good For Leopard Geckos 

While they may seem like a delicious treat, offering wax worms to your leopard gecko too often could lead to health problems. Here’s why:

Poor Nutritional Value

Leopard geckos need protein for growth and muscle development, and calcium for strong bones. Wax worms lack both, leading to deficiencies if fed regularly. 

A diet lacking in calcium can result in metabolic bone disease (MBD), a serious condition characterized by weakened bones, deformities, and other health issues. 

In female leopard geckos, calcium deficiency can lead to egg-binding, where the eggs become stuck inside the reproductive tract. This can be life-threatening if not promptly addressed by a veterinarian.

Here’s a comparison table of the nutritional value of waxworms compared to other common feeder insects:

Nutrient (per 100 grams)Wax WormsMealwormsCricketsDubia Roaches

The table above shows that wax worms have more fat compared to mealworms and crickets, but they have less protein. 

Also, wax worms don’t have as much calcium as crickets do, and crickets have a better balance of calcium to phosphorus, which is good for reptiles like leopard geckos. 

Dubia roaches are even better because they have lots of protein and a good balance of calcium to phosphorus, making them a great choice for leopard geckos and other reptiles to eat.

High-Fat Content

Wax worms have a lot more fat than other common feeder insects for leopard geckos, like crickets or mealworms. 

For instance, per 100 grams, wax worms have about 23.8 grams of fat, while crickets only have about 6.5 grams, and mealworms have around 14 grams. 

Too much fat in their diet can make geckos overweight and cause health problems like fatty liver disease, which can affect their liver function and overall health.

Potential For Addiction 

Just like we might crave chips or candy, geckos might start preferring wax worms over healthier foods. 

This can make it harder for them to enjoy a balanced diet and can lead to health issues if they don’t eat other nutritious insects. 

Leopard gecko eating a worm

How to Feed Wax Worms to Leopard Geckos

To make wax worms a bit healthier for your leopard geckos, there are a few things you can do. 

One option is to dust the worms lightly with a calcium supplement before feeding them to your gecko. This ensures that they get some extra calcium, which is essential for their bone health. \

Another trick is to use wax worms as a high-value reward during training sessions or when you need to stimulate your gecko’s appetite. 

Since wax worms are quite tasty to geckos, offering them as a special treat can encourage your gecko to eat other, more nutritious foods as well. 

If your gecko needs to gain weight, like after growing back a lost tail or getting better from being sick, wax worms can be a good choice. 

They’re high in fat, which gives your gecko lots of energy to help them recover. This extra boost can be really helpful for geckos trying to build up their strength again after being sick or injured. 

By giving your gecko wax worms along with other healthy foods, you can help them get back to feeling their best in no time!

Final Thoughts 

Yes, leopard geckos can eat wax worms, but they should be given in moderation as they are high in fat. It’s best to offer them as an occasional treat, like once or twice a week tops. 

Giving them too often might make your gecko prefer them over other healthier foods, which could lead to health problems in the long run. So, moderation is key!


  • Teddy Smith

    Teddy is the founder and lead writer of ReptilesLife. Teddy has loved animals since a really young age, starting with dinosaurs of course! He writes here to help other reptile owners to care for their scaly pets.

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