Leopard Gecko Morphs: The Ultimate Resource for Gecko Enthusiasts

Leopard geckos are some of the most popular pet reptiles for a reason. They’re relatively easy to care for, they come in a variety of colors and patterns, and they’re just downright cute.

But what are leopard gecko morphs, you ask? A morph is simply a variation in the lizard’s appearance. Some morphs are caused by random mutations, while others are the result of selective breeding. 

There are now over 100 different leopard gecko morphs, and new ones are being discovered all the time. Some of the most popular leopard gecko morphs include:

  • Albino: Albino leopard geckos have white or pale yellow skin with red eyes.
  • Blizzard: Blizzard leopard geckos have pale gray skin with white spots and blue eyes.
  • Mack Snow: Mack Snow leopard geckos have a light gray or yellow base color with black spots and bands.
  • High Yellow: High Yellow leopard geckos have a bright yellow base color with black or brown spots.
  • Super Giant: Super Giant leopard geckos are significantly larger than normal leopard geckos.

The following is everything you need to know about leopard gecko morphs! Click into each morph to see some more information about that morph, and some cool pictures of the color variations.

1. Normal (Wild-Type)

The Normal (Wild-Type) Leopard Gecko, or Eublepharis macularius maculariusis, the most common and original morph of the leopard gecko. It is also the most affordable morph, making it a great choice for first-time leopard gecko owners.

Normal Leopard Geckos are native to Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and India. Typically, they grow to be between 8 and 10 inches long, with their tails accounting for about half of their length.

They are typically yellow or light brown in color with dark brown or black spots. Their spots can be large or small, and they can be arranged in a variety of patterns. Some Normal Leopard Geckos also have banding on their tails.

These geckos are generally docile and easy to handle. They are also relatively intelligent and can be trained to perform simple tricks.

Normal Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two normal leopard geckos together. There is no need for any special breeding techniques to produce normal leopard geckos. They are easy to care for and only require a warm, dry environment with plenty of hiding places. They also need to be fed a diet of live insects.

2. Black Leopard Gecko

The Black Leopard Gecko, also known as the Black Night Leopard Gecko, is a melanistic morph of the leopard gecko. Melanism is a genetic condition that causes an excess of melanin production, resulting in a dark or black coloration.

Black Leopard Geckos are typically slightly smaller than other leopard gecko morphs, but they are still relatively hardy and easy to care for. Males typically reach 7-10 inches in length, while females are typically 6-9 inches in length.

These geckos are typically solid black in color, with some individuals having a few spots or markings. Their eyes are usually black or dark brown. They are also very good at camouflaging themselves in their environment. Their dark color helps them to blend in with rocks and other dark objects.

These little fellows are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the melanistic gene. The melanistic gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Black Leopard Geckos.

Black Leopard Geckos are relatively new on the scene, having first been bred in the early 2000s. They can be expensive to purchase, but they are definitely worth the investment if you are looking for a unique and beautiful pet lizard.

It’s worth noting that Black Leopard Geckos are generally healthy and hardy, but they are still susceptible to some of the same health problems as other leopard gecko morphs, such as metabolic bone disease and parasites.

3. Tangerine Leopard Gecko

This is a tangerine gecko bred by our friend Dave Barley at DB Reptiles.

The Tangerine Leopard Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko. It is characterized by its bright orange coloration, which can range from light yellow to deep red. Tangerine Leopard Geckos can also have a variety of patterns, including spots, stripes, and blotches.

Tangerine Leopard Geckos are typically the same size as other leopard gecko morphs, ranging from 7 to 10 inches in length.

They are generally easy to take care of, which eventually helps them to overcome their shyness. Naturally, some of these geckos are quite outgoing and even naughty.

Tangerine Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the tangerine gene. The tangerine gene is a polygenic trait, meaning that multiple genes contribute to the expression of the trait. This means that there is a wide range of variations in the appearance of Tangerine Leopard Geckos.

4. Mack Snow Leopard Gecko

The Mack Snow Leopard Gecko is my favourite color morph of the leopard gecko. It is characterized by its light gray or yellow base color with black spots and bands. Mack Snow Leopard Geckos can also have a variety of patterns, including stripes, blotches, and rings.

Mack Snow Leopard Geckos are typically the same size as other leopard gecko morphs, ranging from 7 to 10 inches in length.

Most pet owners find these geckos gentle and timid, but of course, there are exceptions to the rule. It’s not uncommon that some of them are shy or reclusive, while others may be more outgoing and active. 

Mack Snow Leopard Geckos are very good at camouflaging themselves in their environment. Their light gray or yellow base color can help them to blend in with rocks and other objects in their habitat.

These geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Mack Snow gene. The Mack Snow gene is a dominant gene, meaning that only one parent needs to carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Mack Snow Leopard Geckos.

5. Blue Leopard Gecko

The Blue Leopard Gecko is a relatively new color morph, having first been bred in the early 2000s. Blue Leopard Geckos are often bred with other leopard gecko morphs to create even more unique and beautiful offspring.

This gecko is one of the rarest and most sought-after leopard gecko morphs. Blue Leopard Geckos are often referred to as “ice geckos” due to their light blue coloration.

Blue Leopard Geckos are relatively low-maintenance pets, making them a good choice for both beginners and experienced reptile keepers.

The Blue Leopard Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko that is characterized by its light blue or blue-gray base color with black spots and bands. They can also have a variety of patterns, including stripes, blotches, and rings. Some Blue Leopard Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes.

These geckos are typically the same size as other leopard gecko morphs, ranging from 7 to 10 inches in length.

Blue Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Tremper Albino gene. The Tremper Albino gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Blue Leopard Geckos.

6. Pink Leopard Gecko

The Pink Leopard Gecko is a rare and sought-after color morph of the leopard gecko. It is characterized by its light pink or peach base color with black spots and bands. Some Pink Leopard Geckos may also have a pink tint to their skin and eyes.

This gecko is one of the newest and most popular leopard gecko morphs. Pink Leopard Geckos are often referred to as “albino geckos” due to their light pink coloration.

They are typically the same size as other leopard gecko morphs, ranging from 7 to 10 inches in length.

The exact genetic makeup of the Pink Leopard Gecko is still being studied, but it is believed to be the result of a combination of several different genes. Some breeders believe that the Pink Leopard Gecko is a variation of the Tremper Albino morph, while others believe that it is a completely new morph.

7. White Leopard Gecko

The White Leopard Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko that is characterized by its white or pale yellow base color with black spots and bands. Some White Leopard Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes.

White Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Tremper Albino gene and the Rainwater Albino gene. The Tremper Albino gene and the Rainwater Albino gene are both recessive genes, meaning that both parents must carry both genes in order for their offspring to be White Leopard Geckos.

These lovely geckos are relatively easy to care for. They require a similar diet and housing to other leopard gecko morphs. They are generally healthy and hardy, but they are still susceptible to some of the same health problems as other leopard gecko morphs, such as metabolic bone disease and parasites.

White Leopard Geckos are one of the rarest and most sought-after leopard gecko morphs. They can be expensive to purchase, but they are definitely worth the investment if you are looking for a unique and beautiful pet lizard.

8. Snow Leopard Gecko

White leopard gecko spotted in brown

Snow Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Mack Snow gene. The Mack Snow gene is a dominant gene, meaning that only one parent needs to carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Snow Leopard Geckos.

Snow Leopard Geckos are relatively easy to care for. They require a similar diet and housing to other leopard gecko morphs. They are generally healthy and hardy, but they are still susceptible to some of the same health problems as other leopard gecko morphs, such as metabolic bone disease and parasites.

Snow Leopard Geckos are one of the most popular leopard gecko morphs due to their unique and striking appearance. They can be expensive to purchase though.

9. Black Knight Leopard Gecko

Black Knight Leopard Geckos are a melanistic morph of the leopard gecko. Melanism is a genetic condition that causes an excess of melanin production, resulting in a dark or black coloration.

Black Knight Leopard Geckos are typically solid black in color, with some individuals having a few spots or markings. Their eyes are usually black or dark brown. Black Knight Leopard Geckos are generally smaller than other leopard gecko morphs, but they are still relatively hardy and easy to care for.

Black Knight Leopard Geckos are one of the newest and most popular leopard gecko morphs. They were first bred in the early 2000s and have quickly become a favorite among reptile enthusiasts.

If you are considering getting a Black Knight Leopard Gecko as a pet, be sure to do your research to make sure you can provide them with the proper care. They require a similar diet and housing to other leopard gecko morphs, but there are a few things you need to be aware of, such as their smaller size and tendency to be more shy.

10. Lavender Leopard Gecko

The Lavender Leopard Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko that is characterized by its light violet base color with black spots and bands. 

They can also have a variety of patterns, including stripes, blotches, and rings. Some Lavender Leopard Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes. 

Lavender Leopard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Lavender gene. The Lavender gene is a polygenic trait, meaning that multiple genes contribute to the expression of the trait. This means that there is a wide range of variation in the appearance of Lavender Leopard Geckos. Some Lavender Leopard Geckos may have a very strong lavender coloration, while others may have a more subtle lavender hue.

11. Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko

Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko

The Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko is a stunning morph of the leopard gecko, characterized by its bright yellow or cream base color with black spots and bands. Some Tremper Albino Leopard Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes.

These geckos are named after Ron Tremper, the breeder who first produced them in the late 1990s. Tremper Albino Leopard Geckos were the first albino leopard geckos to be bred in captivity, and they remain one of the most popular leopard gecko morphs today.

Tremper Albino Leopard Geckos are not only beautiful and captivating creatures, but they are also intelligent and social animals. They can be trained to perform simple tricks and enjoy interacting with their owners. These geckos make for unique and rewarding companions, and their gentle nature makes them ideal pets for all ages.

12. Albino Leopard Gecko

The Albino Gecko is a beautiful and unique reptile that is characterized by its lack of melanin, the pigment that gives most animals their color. This results in a pale or translucent skin with bright pink or red eyes.

Albino Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Albino gene. The Albino gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Albino Geckos. 

Albino Geckos are found in a variety of habitats all over the world, including forests, deserts, and grasslands. They are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. Albino Geckos are insectivores, and their diet consists of a variety of insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and roaches.

Albino Geckos are relatively easy to care for, making them a good choice for both beginners and experienced reptile enthusiasts alike. 

13. Rainwater Albino Gecko

The Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko is a truly mesmerizing creature, with its delicate peachy skin and intricate black markings. 

These geckos are often referred to as “ghost geckos” due to their ethereal appearance. Their pale skin and translucent eyes give them a mystical air as if they’re not quite of this world.

But don’t be fooled by their delicate appearance. Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos are hardy and resilient creatures. They’re also incredibly intelligent and social, making them wonderful companions.

If you’re looking for a unique and captivating pet lizard, the Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko is the perfect choice for you. With their gentle nature and enchanting beauty, these geckos are sure to bring joy and enrichment to your life.

14. Bell Albino Gecko

The Bell Albino Gecko has bright yellow skin and sparkling blue eyes. Nicknamed the “Sunshine Gecko” due to its radiant appearance, the Bell Albino is a ray of sunshine in the world of reptiles.

These gentle and affectionate geckos are known for their curious and playful nature. They love to explore their surroundings and interact with their owners. Bell Albino Geckos are also known for their melodic chirping, which they use to communicate with each other and attract mates.

If you are looking for a fun-loving and low-maintenance pet lizard, the Bell Albino Gecko is the perfect choice for you. These easy-going geckos are sure to bring joy and laughter into your life.

15. RAPTOR Geckos (Red-Eyed Patternless Tremper Orange) 

RAPTOR Geckos are a color morph of the leopard gecko that are characterized by their reduced black spotting and increased orange coloration. The name RAPTOR stands for Red-eyed Albino Patternless Tremper Orange, which are the four traits that are typically used to create RAPTOR Geckos.

Red-eyed refers to the fact that RAPTOR Geckos have solid red eyes. This is due to the presence of the Eclipse gene, which removes the iris pigmentation from the eye.

Patternless refers to the fact that RAPTOR Geckos have a solid orange coloration without any black spots or bands. This is due to the presence of the Patternless gene, which removes the ability of the gecko to produce black melanin.

Tremper Orange refers to the fact that RAPTOR Geckos have a vibrant orange coloration. This is due to the presence of the Tremper Albino gene, which produces a high concentration of yellow melanin in the gecko’s skin.

RAPTOR Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry all three of the Red-eyed Albino, Patternless, and Tremper Albino genes. RAPTOR Geckos are relatively easy to care for and make great pets for people of all ages and experience levels.

16. Enigma Gecko

The Enigma Gecko is a unique and fascinating creature with a mesmerizing appearance. Its skin is covered in a mosaic of patterns and colors, creating a truly one-of-a-kind look. 

Enigma Geckos can range in color from pale yellow to bright orange, with patterns that include spots, blotches, and rings. Some Enigma Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes.

They are often referred to as “alien geckos” or “unicorn geckos” due to their otherworldly look. Enigma Geckos can be expensive to purchase, but they are definitely worth the investment if you are looking for a truly unique and captivating pet lizard.

Enigma Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Enigma gene. The Enigma gene is a complex gene that can produce a wide variety of different patterns and colors. This makes Enigma Geckos some of the most unpredictable and unique leopard gecko morphs.

17. Blizzard Gecko

The Blizzard Gecko is a stunning morph of the leopard gecko that is characterized by its pure white or pale yellow base color with no spots or bands. They have sparkling blue eyes that add to their otherworldly appearance.

Blizzard Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Blizzard gene. The Blizzard gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Blizzard Geckos.

Blizzard Geckos are relatively easy to care for, but they do require some special attention. They are more sensitive to sunlight than other leopard gecko morphs, so it is important to provide them with a shady spot in their enclosure. 

They are also prone to dehydration, so it is important to mist their enclosure regularly and offer them fresh water daily.

18. Eclipse Gecko

Eclipse Gecko

The Eclipse Gecko is a truly unique morph. Its body is adorned with a swirling pattern of black spots and bands, which can vary in intensity from gecko to gecko. Some Eclipse Geckos may even have solid black eyes, giving them an otherworldly appearance.

Eclipse Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Eclipse gene. The Eclipse gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Eclipse Geckos.

Eclipse Geckos are relatively easy to care for, but they do require some special attention. Like the other pale-skinned geckos, they are more sensitive to sunlight than most leopard gecko morphs, so it is important to provide them with a hide in their enclosure. 

Eclipse Geckos are unique and exceptional pets with an appearance that’s hard to ignore. They are often referred to as “galaxy geckos” or “cosmic geckos” due to their otherworldly look.

19. Patternless Gecko

The Patternless Leopard Gecko is a unique and striking morph of the leopard gecko that lacks all pattern. Their skin is a solid color, which can range from pale yellow to dark brown. Some Patternless Leopard Geckos may also have a blue tint to their skin and eyes. 

Patternless Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Patternless gene. The Patternless gene is a recessive gene, so both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Patternless Geckos.

These little guys are known as “sand geckos” or “chameleon geckos” due to their ability to blend in with their surroundings. Patternless Geckos are also known for their gentle and docile nature.

20. High Yellow Gecko

High Yellow Gecko

High Yellow Geckos are a stunning color morph of the leopard gecko, characterized by their vibrant yellow coloration and reduced black spotting. Their bodies are often a deep golden hue, with occasional black spots or bands. Some High Yellow Geckos may even have solid yellow eyes, giving them a truly otherworldly appearance.

They are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the High Yellow gene. The High Yellow gene is a line-bred trait, meaning that it was developed through selective breeding over time.

High Yellow Geckos are relatively easy to care for, and they make great pets for people of all ages and experience levels. They are generally healthy and hardy, but they are still susceptible to some of the same health problems as other leopard gecko morphs, such as metabolic bone disease and parasites.

These little lizards are often nicknamed “golden geckos” or “sunshine geckos” due to their vibrant yellow coloration.

21. Super Hypo Gecko

The Super Hypo Gecko is a stunning color morph of the leopard gecko that is characterized by its vibrant yellow coloration and reduced black spotting. Their bodies are often a deep golden hue, with occasional black spots or bands. 

Super Hypo Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Hypomelanistic gene and the Tangerine gene. This means that they have two copies of the Hypomelanistic gene and two copies of the Tangerine gene.

They are typically brighter yellow in color than other Hypomelanistic leopard geckos. These geckos may also have more orange or red tones in their coloration. They are typically larger than other leopard gecko morphs.

These geckos have a lifespan of up to 20 years in captivity. They are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. Additionally, they are relatively social animals and can be housed together in groups.

22. Super Snow Gecko

Super Snow Gecko

The Super Snow Gecko is known for its bright white coloration and reduced spotting. Their bodies are often a pure white color, with occasional black spots or bands. Some Super Snow Geckos may even have solid black eyes.

They are produced by breeding two Mack Snow Leopard Geckos together. Super Snow Geckos have two copies of the Mack Snow gene, which results in a bright white base color with very few or no black spots or bands.

The size of leopard geckos varies depending on the morph, but they typically range from 8 to 12 inches in length from head to tail. Super Snow Geckos are typically on the larger side, with some individuals reaching up to 14 inches in length.

Super Snow Geckos are a relatively new morph, first appearing in the early 2010s. They are known for their gentle and docile nature, making them great pets for people of all ages and experience levels. They are also known for their hardiness and resistance to disease.

23. Diablo Blanco Gecko

The Diablo Blanco Gecko is a stunning color morph of the leopard gecko that is known for its bright white coloration and solid red eyes. 

They are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Blizzard trait and the RAPTORs. The Blizzard trait is a recessive gene, while the RAPTORs trait is a dominant gene. This means that both parents must carry the Blizzard trait for their offspring to be Diablo Blanco Geckos, but only one parent needs to carry the RAPTORs trait.

Even though the Diablo Blanco Geckos are typically all white in color, with no spots or banding, some Diablo Blanco Geckos may have a slight yellow tinge to their coloration. But this is usually very faint. 

24. Ghost Gecko 

The Ghost Gecko (Hypomelanistic Leopard Gecko) is a stunning color morph of the leopard gecko that is known for its pale coloration and reduced spotting. Their bodies are often a light pink or peach color, with occasional black spots or bands. 

Ghost Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Eclipse gene and the RAPTOR gene. Both genes are recessive, meaning that both parents must carry both genes in order for their offspring to be Ghost Geckos.

These geckos typically range in size from 8 to 12 inches in length from head to tail, but some may grow up to 14 inches. Males are generally larger than females. 

Ghost Geckos are known for their ability to change color slightly to camouflage themselves with their surroundings. This is a helpful adaptation for a nocturnal prey animal, as it helps them to avoid predators.

They are also known for their unique vocalizations. They can make a variety of sounds, including chirps, squeaks, and squawks. Ghost Geckos use their vocalizations to communicate with each other and to attract mates.

25. Sunglow Gecko

Sunglow Gecko

A Sunglow Gecko is a beautiful color morph of the leopard gecko. They are characterized by their bright orange coloration and reduced spotting. Their bodies are often a deep carrot color, with occasional black spots or bands. They often have solid red eyes. 

Sunglow Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Tremper Albino gene, the Super Hypomelanistic gene, and the Carrot Tail gene. These genes combine to produce the Sunglow Gecko’s unique orange coloration and reduced black spotting.

Sunglow Geckos are medium-sized lizards, typically ranging from 8 to 12 inches in length from head to tail. Some Sunglow Geckos may grow even larger, reaching up to 14 inches in length.

26. Jungle Gecko

Jungle leopard Gecko

A Jungle Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko that is known for its unique and irregular pattern. Their bodies are often covered in broken or incomplete bands, and their tails may have broken or absent bands. Jungle Geckos can have a variety of different colors, including yellow, orange, red, brown, and black.

Jungle Geckos are produced by breeding two leopard geckos that carry the Jungle gene. The Jungle gene is a recessive gene, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for their offspring to be Jungle Geckos.

Jungle Geckos are one of the most popular leopard gecko morphs due to their unique and striking appearance. They are often referred to as “tiger geckos” or “camouflage geckos” due to their irregular pattern.

27. RADAR Geckos (Rainwater Albino Diablo Blanco Tremper Albino) 

The RADAR Gecko is a color morph of the leopard gecko that is known for its unique and striking appearance. It is produced by breeding together three different leopard gecko morphs: the Rainwater Albino, the Diablo Blanco, and the Tremper Albino.

The Rainwater Albino is a leopard gecko morph that is known for its pale yellow or white coloration and reduced black spotting. The Diablo Blanco is a leopard gecko morph that is known for its bright white coloration and reduced black spotting. The Tremper Albino is a leopard gecko morph that is known for its vibrant orange coloration and reduced black spotting.

The RADAR Gecko is a combination of all of these traits, resulting in a leopard gecko that is pale yellow or white in color with reduced black spotting. Here are more details about these parent geckos. 

Best Equipment and Tank Set up

What Is the Ideal Captive Habitat for Leopard Geckos?

Leopard geckos are easy to look after, which is why they are popular lizard pets.

But they do need the right equipment and environment which is as close to their natural habitat as possible. All the morphs have the same requirements, so there is no need to have a special environment for each morph.

This is a list of my favourite equipment for a perfect tank set up for your leopard gecko.

A Few More Things

Leopard geckos are popular pets due to their relatively low-maintenance care requirements and their wide variety of colors and patterns. Leopard gecko morphs are produced by breeding two leopard geckos with different genetic traits, which can result in a wide variety of different colors and patterns including albinos, snows, and patterns such as stripes, spots, and blotches. 

Leopard gecko morphs are generally easy to care for, but there are some things to keep in mind when providing them with a suitable habitat, diet, and temperature.

Please note that Leopard geckos need a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size. The terrarium should be filled with a substrate such as sand, reptile carpet, or paper towels. You will also need to provide a hiding spot for your gecko to feel safe.

Leopard geckos are insectivores, so their diet should consist of a variety of insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. You should also offer your gecko a small amount of fruits and vegetables as a supplement.

These nice little geckos need a warm environment, with a basking spot of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit and a cool side of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a heat lamp and a UVB lamp to provide the necessary temperature and lighting for your gecko.

In addition to the above, you will also need to clean your gecko’s terrarium regularly and provide them with fresh water daily. If you are considering getting a leopard gecko morph, be sure to do your research to make sure you can provide them with the proper care. Leopard gecko morphs are beautiful and fascinating creatures that make great pets for people of all ages and experience levels.

If you like leopard geckos, be sure to check out our guides on gargoyle geckos and crested geckos.


  • Teddy Smith

    Teddy is the founder and lead writer of ReptilesLife. Teddy has loved animals since a really young age, starting with dinosaurs of course! He writes here to help other reptile owners to care for their scaly pets.