Your Guide to Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos

Leopard geckos are one of the most popular pet reptiles in the world, and for good reason. They are relatively easy to care for, have a docile temperament, and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

In fact, some reports say that Leopard geckos have over 100 different morphs. However, one of the most popular variants out there is the Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko.

This complete guide will hook you up with all the information and enthusiasm to welcome one of these charming creatures into your home. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

Characteristics of Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos

Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos are characterized by their pale skin, which can range in color from white to light yellow. 

They also have pink eyes because of the mutation that prevents them from producing melanin (the pigment that gives skin and eyes their color).

Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos are typically smaller than other leopard gecko morphs, but they’re still relatively hardy lizards. 

Is the Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko a Natural Species?

The Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko is not actually a natural species that you’d find in the wild.

Instead, it’s a result of selective breeding in captivity, which focuses on producing its beautiful colors.

The species was developed by Tim Rainwater in 1998, which is where this lovely gecko gets its name.

Are There Subspecies of Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos?

Rainwater Albino Geckos are not typically classified into subspecies, as they’re subspecies of the Leopard Gecko themselves.

Other species of these dazzling, colorful reptiles include Bell Leopard Geckos and Tremper Leopard Geckos.

How Rare Are Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos?

Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos are a relatively rare morph of the leopard gecko. 

This is because the genetic mutation that prevents them from producing melanin is recessive, meaning that both parents must carry the gene for their offspring to be Rainwater Albino

What Are the Color Morphs of Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos?

Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos exhibit various color morphs and variations, each with its unique and captivating appearance. 

The classic Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko features a pale (true albino), creamy-white, lavender, or pale yellow background color with irregular, bold, and vibrant orange spots.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Not all gecko hatchlings follow the same exact pattern. For instance, some of these little adventurers surprise us with fairly dark eyes, mainly because they partially produce melanin. 

How to Care for Your Pet Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko

If you’re new to owning an albino leopard gecko, or if you’re just curious about how to care for these amazing creatures, this section will have you covered:

Enclosure/Housing Requirements

Albino Leopard Geckos need a spacious terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size, although you can keep the juvenile ones in temporary 10-gallon tanks.

This will give them enough room to move around and explore. The enclosure should be made of glass or acrylic. Make sure that you regularly clean the tank to prevent any buildup of bacteria.

Provide the well-ventilated enclosure with a heat source to maintain temperatures around 88 to 90°F (31 to 32°C) during the day and a gentle drop to 70 to 75°F (21 to 24°C) at night.

Remember to also include hiding spots, branches, plants, and a suitable shallow substrate like reptile carpets for burrowing.


As insectivores, the most common and nutritious insects to feed your Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko are crickets, mealworms, and roaches. 

Offer appropriately sized prey to match their size, and try to maintain variety for a balanced, healthy diet. You should also dust them with calcium and vitamin supplements to support their health. 

You can also supplement your gecko’s diet with a small amount of fruit or vegetables, such as mashed banana, shredded carrots, and diced berries. However, insects should make up the majority of your gecko’s diet.

Always provide a shallow dish of fresh water for hydration, although these geckos primarily get their moisture from their food.

Health Care and Common Illnesses

Ensuring the well-being of your Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko requires some vigilance on your part, as they are prone to some specific health concerns, despite being generally healthy creatures.

Common issues include skin infections, digestive problems, and external parasites, all of which need close monitoring. Some of the common diseases of these pets include:

Additionally, due to their photophobia, you should always be cautious with bright light near their enclosures, as it can cause stress, discomfort, and even skin issues. 

If you notice any health issues, such as lethargy, appetite changes, or skin abnormalities, consult a veterinarian immediately. Luckily, with proper care, most of these issues can be treated or managed.


The cheeky little charmers are known for their docile and easy-going temperament. They’re also relatively low-maintenance pets, which makes a good choice for beginners.

Rainwater Albino Leopard Geckos are also quite curious, friendly, and playful, so they also get along with other leopard geckos in the tank.

Breeding Habits

Rainwater Albinos’ breeding habits are pretty much the same as other Leopard Geckos, which is relatively straightforward. 

The breeding season typically begins in the spring and lasts until the fall. During this time, male leopard geckos will display their courtship behavior by bobbing their heads and vibrating their tails. Keep in mind that males may also show territorial behaviors during that time.

Gecko eggs

The gestation period for leopard geckos is typically 16 to 22 days. After this time, the female will lay a clutch of around 1 to 2 eggs at a time.

The mother will then bury the eggs in the substrate and then leave them to incubate and hatch after 35 to 90 days, depending on the surrounding temperature

Afterward, the parents don’t play a noticeable role in raising the hatchlings, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Wrapping Up

The Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko is a beautiful and unique reptile that can make a great pet for people of all ages. 

If you are considering getting a Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko, make sure that you can provide it with the proper love and care they deserve, and you’ll get an amazing lifetime companion!


  • Teddy Smith

    Teddy is the founder and lead writer of ReptilesLife. Teddy has loved animals since a really young age, starting with dinosaurs of course! He writes here to help other reptile owners to care for their scaly pets.

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