Do Leopard Geckos Bask? The Answer May Surprise You!

Leopard gecko climbing rocks, closeup

So, you’re thinking about getting a leopard gecko. You’ve heard they’re low-maintenance and easy to care for, and you’re drawn to their cute little faces and adorable leopard spots. But there’s one thing you’re not sure about: do leopard geckos bask?

The answer is… kind of. Leopard geckos are not known for their love of basking in the sun like other lizards. They’re more of the “hide in a dark corner and sleep all day” type of lizard. But that doesn’t mean they don’t need a basking area.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a leopard gecko, don’t worry if they don’t seem like the most active lizard in the world. They’re just doing what they do best: being lazy. But make sure to provide them with a basking area so they can stay healthy and happy.

How Do Leopard Geckos Regulate Their Body Temperature?

Leopard geckos, much like bearded dragons, are cold-blooded animals, which means they can’t generate their own body heat. So, how do they stay warm?

Well, they do it in a very lazy way. They bask.

Basking is the act of lying in a warm spot to absorb heat. Leopard geckos do this by sitting on a basking rock or log, or by hiding under a heat lamp.

But leopard geckos aren’t the most enthusiastic baskers in the world. They’d much rather hide in a dark corner and sleep all day.

In fact, I once had a leopard gecko named Spot who was so lazy, he wouldn’t even bask. I had to put him in a box with a heat lamp, and he would just sit there, half asleep, until the temperature was right.

But even though leopard geckos are lazy, they still need to bask in order to stay healthy. Basking helps them to digest their food, produce vitamin D, and stay warm.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a leopard gecko, make sure to provide them with a basking area. You can use a heat lamp or a heat mat, and the temperature should be between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Geckos Temperature Regulation Comes in Different Forms

Here are Some of the ways geckos use to regulate their body temperatures.

1. Basking

Leopard geckos will often bask in the sun or under a heat lamp. This helps them to warm up their bodies.

2. Hiding

Leopard geckos will also hide in cool, dark places when they’re too hot. This helps them to cool down their bodies.

3. Moving to different areas of the enclosure

Leopard geckos will often move to different areas of their enclosure to find the perfect temperature. 

For example, they might move to the warm side of the enclosure when they’re cold, and then move to the cool side of the enclosure when they’re too hot.

4. Using their gular pouch

Leopard geckos have a fold of skin under their chin called a gular pouch. This pouch can help them to regulate their body temperature by trapping heat.

Do Leopard Geckos Bask in the Wild?

In the wild, leopard geckos will often bask in the sun for a short period of time to warm up their bodies. However, they won’t bask for as long as other lizards, and they’ll often take breaks to cool down in the shade.

This is because leopard geckos are nocturnal animals. They’re most active at night, when it’s cooler. During the day, they’re more likely to be found hiding in cool, dark places to avoid predators.

So, if you’re ever in the desert and you see a leopard gecko basking in the sun, don’t be surprised. It’s not their favorite thing to do, but they’ll do it if they need to warm up.

The Benefits of Basking for Leopard Geckos

Basking is essential for leopard geckos’ health and well-being. It provides them with a number of benefits, including:

  • Warming up their bodies: Leopard geckos are cold-blooded animals, so they need to bask in order to warm up their bodies. This is especially important in the winter when temperatures can drop.
  • Producing vitamin D: Leopard geckos need vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is produced when their skin is exposed to UVB light.
  • Digesting food: Basking helps leopard geckos to digest their food. This is because the heat helps to break down the food and make it easier for the geckos to absorb the nutrients.
  • Staying active: Basking helps leopard geckos to stay active and healthy. When they’re basking, they’re more likely to move around and explore their enclosure.
  • Reducing stress: Basking can help leopard geckos to reduce stress. This is because the heat helps to relax their muscles and calm their minds.

How to Provide a Basking Area for Your Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos that have a proper basking area are healthier and happier than those that don’t. So, if you care about the health and well-being of your leopard gecko, make sure to provide them with a basking area.

Iran leopard gecko yawning

Here are a few things you’ll need:

  • A heat lamp: This is the most important part of the basking area. It will provide the heat that your leopard gecko needs to stay warm and healthy. A ceramic heat emitter would be great too. 
  • A basking rock or log: This is where your leopard gecko will sit to bask. It should be made of a material that can absorb heat, such as rock or ceramic.
  • A thermometer: This will help you to monitor the temperature of the basking area and make sure it’s within the right range.

Once you have these things, you’re ready to set up the basking area. Here are a few tips:

  • Place the heat lamp on one side of the enclosure. This will create a temperature gradient, with the warm side being on the side of the heat lamp and the cool side being on the other side.
  • Place the basking rock or log under the heat lamp. This will ensure that your leopard gecko can get the heat it needs.
  • Set the temperature of the basking area to between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature for leopard geckos.
  • Monitor the temperature of the basking area regularly with the thermometer. Make sure it’s always within the right range.

That’s it! You’ve now provided a basking area for your leopard gecko. It’s not as hard as you thought, is it?


Leopard geckos are cold-blooded animals, so they need to bask in order to regulate their body temperature. 

If they do not have a basking area, they are at risk of developing a number of health problems, including metabolic bone disease, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system. They might also become stressed and depressed. 

By providing a proper basking area for your leopard gecko, you can help ensure their health and well-being for many years to come.


  • Teddy Smith

    Teddy is the founder and lead writer of ReptilesLife. Teddy has loved animals since a really young age, starting with dinosaurs of course! He writes here to help other reptile owners to care for their scaly pets.

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